Monografija AAS – Rad – dela – komentari / Activities, Artworks, Comments (Belgrade 2011)

Posle šesnaest godina od osnivanja, već ima dovoljno razloga za zaključak da je Akademija arhitekture Srbije zapremila znatan riznički prostor naše kulture. Za razliku od drugih heteronomnih udruženja stvaralaca, tome je nesumnjivo doprinela njena nezavisnost, otuda i autonomija kritičke misli i uvida, te je taj tezaurus danas ispunjen ne samo tovarima nebrojenih inicijativa, ideja, epistola, deklaracija i apela, već i jasno vidljivim rezultatima društvenog delovanja. Riznica se od 1995. godine postavljala na temelj civilizacijskih vrednosti srpske arhitekture, slagala u tvoračke stubove i omeđivala graničnim ravnima savesti arhitektonske struke – a u nju se i dalje prinosi. No, kada se povremeno neke od brojnih vreća odvežu i njihov sadržaj istrese, razastre, razvrsta i okupi, te na kraju obelodani – dobijaju se knjige.

Najnovija monografija Akademije arhitekture Srbije – Rad, dela, komentari, treća je u nizu onih kojima ova samostalna asocijacija potvrđenih stvaralaca (čije članstvo do danas broji 23 profesora Univerziteta, 10 doktora nauka i 5 članova  SANU) beleži i objavljuje tragove svoje delatnosti. Unutar korica knjige, na preko 300 stranica i uz više stotina ilustracija u boji, sabrane su najvažnije informacije o njenom petogodišnjem radu. Kroz šest poglavlja opisane su mnoge, kako intelektualne, tako i aktivističke krivulje Akademije, koje su umnogome oštro zarezale po stihiji i nedorečenostima ovovremenih pregnuća u izgrađivanju naših građevina i gradova. Kroz dva uvodna poglavlja, predočene su ključne teme njenih višesmernih aktivnosti: počev od elaboracije problema beogradskih mostova do već mnogima poznatog zalaganja za sveobuhvatno i urgentno rešenje prestoničkog saobraćajnog haosa, kroz odbacivanje retrogradnog automobilsko-tramvajskog urbanizma i prihvatanje jedino ispravnog, dugoročnog urbanističkog planiranja grada sa metro-sistemom. Prikazan je takođe i rad Akademije na organizaciji i učešću na međunarodnoj konferenciji Američkog instituta arhitekata – “Beograd – moderan i postmoderan grad”. Kako su, naime, američkim kolegama prikazana i ostvarenja trojice članova AAS – Ivana Antića, Branislava Jovina i Marija Jobsta – to su Muzej moderne umetnosti, Knez Mihailova ulica i stambeno-poslovni kompleks “Savograd”, uz komentare i povoljne utiske sa predavanja i obilazaka, u knjizi zauzeli značajno mesto.

Težišni deo izdanja ipak zauzima enciklopedijski deo posvećen individualnom stvaralačkom radu svih četrdeset izabranih članova Akademije, kroz njihove objedinjene radne biografije, reprezentativan izbor dela i ilustracija, kao i upotpunjene bibliografije. U monografiji je takođe sabrano pet razgovora, kao i pet odabranih napisa stvaralaca, objavljenih u pomenutom periodu. Završni deo knjige posvećen je uspomeni na preminule članove AAS, arhitektu Bogdana Bogdanovića i Aljošu Josića. Knjiga takođe sadrži Imenski i Predmetni registar.

Izdanje je priredio i grafički opremio Slobodan – Giša Bogunović,  korice i potkorice dizajnirali su Mihajlo Mitrović i Slobodan Mašić, a objavljeno je zahvaljujući velikoj pomoći i saradnji sa Akcionarskim društvom za građevinarstvo i trgovinu Neimar V. 

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monografija AAS

Architecture Academy of Serbia monograph – Activities, Artworks, Comments (Belgrade 2011)

Sixteen years after its establishment, there is enough reason to believe that the Serbian Academy of Architecture has enveloped significant area of Serbian building culture. Unlike other heteronymous associations of artists, it is undoubtedly due to its independence, autonomy, strength of critical thought and insight, so the thesaurus is now filled with the loads not only of countless initiatives, ideas, declarations and appeals, but also with a clearly visible results of social action. However, when occasionally some of the many treasure bags and their contents are poured, spread out, sorted and assembled, and finally revealed – we get the book.

The latest monograph of the Architecture Academy of Serbia – Activities, Artworks, Comments, is the third in a series of which this independent association of confirmed artists (whose membership today includes 23 professors, 10 PhD and 5 members of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts) records and publishes the traces of its activities. Within the covers of book, with over 300 pages and hundreds of color illustrations, are gathered the most important facts about its five years of work. Through six chapters are described many, intellectual, as well as activist curves of the Academy, which have sharply cut a largely chaotic and the ambiguous efforts in building Serbian architecture and cities. In two introductory chapters, are presented the key themes of its activities: from elaboration of the problem of Belgrade bridges to well-known commitment to comprehensive and urgent solution of traffic chaos in Belgrade, through the rejection of the automobile-tram urbanism and acceptance of only correct, long-term urban planning with the metro system.

The work of the Academy in organizing and participating in an international conference of the American Institute of Architects – “Belgrade – the modern and postmodern city” is also presented. As, in fact, American counterparts have visited the Museum of Modern Art, Knez Mihailova street, residential-commercial complex “Savograd” in Belgrade, all three realizations of the members of the AAS – Ivan Antić, Branislav Jovin and Mario Jobst – comments and impressions from the lectures and tours – took a significant place in the book. The principal issue that occupies the larger part of the monograph is however encyclopedic, devoted to individual creative work of forty elected members of the Academy, through their CVs and unified, representative selection of works and illustrations, complemented by a bibliographies. The monograph also compiled five interviews as well as the six selected writings, published in this period. The final section of the book is dedicated to the memory of deceased members of the AAS, the world renown architects Bogdan Bogdanović and Aljoša Josić (Alexis Josic). The book also contains two indexes.The edition was prepared and designed by Slobodan- Giša Bogunović, covers by Mihajlo Mitrovic and Slobodan Mašić, and is published thanks to the assistance and cooperation of the joint stock company for construction and trade “Neimar V”.